Wow, wow, wow you want to know about me?!?

Well, I’m Victoria Thompson a Californian turned Texan turned New Yorker. There were a few places I’ve been in between but those three are where I can say I’ve called “home”. When I was younger I moved around A LOT (not because of a military parent haha) so I’ve met and been around so many different kinds of people and gained my outspoken-ness as a result of that.

Being able to adapt to a new place or school on a whim became a talent. I went to 2 elementary schools, 4 middle schools and 5 high schools! These many places and people helped me come into myself as the queer checker board I am! Just call me transient. I’m one of 7 children so my social battery tends to run long, I enjoy talking and conversation. Each and every one of my siblings, although living in different places now, contributes to a different part within myself and to each of them I’m forever grateful. My parents both come from unique backgrounds that give them amazing life stories and words of wisdom from situations they’ve experienced. Which then they shared with me, leading to my super dope story telling skills haha. They hold a such a humongous contribution to who I am now and the building blocks on which I operate “thank you guys”! 

I used to think that I didn’t have many cool experiences in life because I never took the time to really think about what I’ve done this far, but with time and age I’ve learned that any experience has the potential to be a cool experience. I’ve actually done plenty of things in my life so far and I’m only 29! A few things like snowboarding, bouldering, driving up mountains, getting tattooed…..In Spain!, getting married in Mexico, buying a house, living in India, the list goes on. 

I’ve always been a free spirit, all my aunts and uncles used to say “I see you traveling the world and living in the trees with the animals”. I heard it so often that I believed it myself. Of course when I got a job, I had a job…. Whomp Whomp! It really did suck me in like it does so many others. Finally feeling the freedoms you get from having money for the first time. I got really good at any job I had so of course I got stuck in the trap.

I will say somehow, that never stopped my drive for wanting to explore and have experiences for myself. Take for instance the decision I made to quit my very secure job and explore the lifestyle of health and wellness fully. Discovering deeper parts of myself through modalities like Breath Work, Yoga, Sound Therapy etc. Changing that one part of my life has changed my quest drastically and unveiled a part of me that I always knew was there, it’s like I’m finally living the life how I was meant to live it. 

All of this I get to experience with the company of Destinē, the love of my life and the star that brightens my night sky (really though, an actual star Aries RA 3h 19m 39s D 27º 7’) Together we raise our “dog-hter” Doni and she’s a hoot which makes it always a roller coaster :) I’m rewarded every day I get to spend with them! I’m so thankful for the path I’m on and I honor all the growth and changes to come.

Welcome to my world, let’s explore together, teach each other and allow the energy transfer from one another. Talk to you soon!

Yoga Therapy

You, Me and a Plan. 📝