Meet Destinē

Our one true source is always with us, life is about recognizing that fact”

Destinē brings the beats and breath! With certifications in 5Elements Ecstatic Dance DJing, SOMA Breath Guided Meditations, and Pranayama, they know how to mix movement, music, and breath into one epic experience. Also certified in 500-hour YTT and Ayurveda, they’re all about finding that sweet spot where rhythm meets relaxation. Destinē’s mission? To help you break free, dance like nobody’s watching, and breathe life into your wildest dreams. Believing in the power of breath and movement to unlock hidden potentials and ignite the spirit.

Hello Hello 😃

Hi I'm Destinē and thank you for showing up today!

Here’s a little about me:

I’m a NY native, who has moved around quite a bit and am currently living in Texas. I only mention this because it bears witness to the multitude of persons and personalities I’ve come in contact with. Aside from moving around, I also LOVE to travel.

I took my first solo trip to Phuket, Thailand for my 26th birthday. It was absolutely one of these best things I could have done for myself. Being on my own, young, and literally on the other side of the globe (check a globe haha, it's directly on the other side of NY), I learned so much about myself.

I learned that what I do with my time, my life, is truly up to me. If I wanted to go to the beach first thing in the morning, I could do that. If I just wanted to eat their super fresh fruit all day, I could do that too. I had no one but myself to make sure I was safe and happy (That translates to the rest of my life as well).

I also learned how perspectives make a heck of a difference. How I was assumed and treated in my "home" land, was completely different on this side of the globe. A very humble and beautiful experience indeed.

Each time I travel, the process of it all is truly transformational. Traveling brings a world of new learnings, new experiences and new perspectives that are much easier to see when you’re out of your comfort zone. Travel has allowed me to experience great love and joy. It has also been a huge conductor in shedding distrust and anger. I am truly thankful for every experience I’ve had as each experience continues to make me the person I am today.

I created this platform for the many whom I’ve witnessed are clearly underserved. Especially people like me in the BIPOC and LGBT+ communities. Unfortunately we’ve lived in a state where we are taught to hate ourselves, taught that we aren’t good enough and taught that we aren’t worthy. We constantly face attack and being in that place, it can be, often times is, an extremely dangerous place to be in. Instead of lifting ourselves up, we learn to push ourselves down. And this my friend, this absolutely must stop!

We’re here for reason. Our communities are some of the most creative, fun and loving bunches of people on the planet. Yet still, many times we’re treated as the opposite, like we don't deserve to be here.

I'm calling on you friend! It’s time that we awaken to our true selves. Alone, you may not even know where to begin, I can help with that. Or maybe you’ve been on this journey for quite some time yet still feel stuck. There is power in your growth and if you’re willing, I’d like to help you reawaken to that as well.

Truth be told we are all spiritual beings, living and having a human experience. Why shouldn’t it be valiant? Why shouldn’t it be everything we ever wanted it to be? The fact is, it can be. Your birth right is to be love, joy and peace. And if you need a guide, I am here to help you.

The goal here is for you to stand strong on your own, without the help or need of even me. The goal is for you to awaken and remember your creative way. You are the energy of creation! It’s time you wake up to show it!

A bit more about me:

I too am on my own journey, with its own ups and downs. No one is perfect and I do not claim to be. I do claim to be someone who makes a solid difference. To be better each day, for spirit, myself, my family, and those I connect with.

I am a lifelong learner. Over the years I’ve been intrigued with knowledge in many, many forms. I am a sister, cousin, daughter, spouse, niece, aunt, friend, breathwork instructor, lifestyle coach, sound healer, DJ, creator, and each day is another day of miracles.

Our one true source is always with us, life is about recognizing that fact.

Outside of the books I’m reading, the courses I’m taking, and the content I’m creating, I'm practicing the 8 limbs of yoga, working with energy, channel my favorite voices, and just started playing the Djembe. And certainly, I do my best to show up for my loved ones.

With a lovely woman who I am pleased to call my wife, we fill our days with laughter, random singing, dancing, and just plain fun. We have been honorable caretakers of our lovely pup who has shown us places within ourselves that words couldn’t relay. I am thankful for my home life.

As we continue our journey, I invite you to continue along yours. Whether our paths cross or not, if we choose to work together or not, know that I am hopeful and send positive vibes your way, that you allow yourself to receive the positive love, joy, abundance and energy you deserve!

I look forward to hearing from you, whether it's a question or you just want to send some love my way, I'm excited to connect.

Thank for coming to my Ted Talk hahahaha. As always, peace and much much love to you!

I’ll see you on the inside ❤️

Choose Destinē As Your Coach

Metamorphosis Coaching Is Your Right Choice If:

  • You Feel unfulfilled or dissatisfied with your life

  • You Seek clarity around your goals and purpose

  • You Battle with your self-worth

  • You Are Ready to get unstuck

  • You Are Willing to take massive action towards your goals

  • You Are Ready to take control of your life

  • You Are Ready to live on purpose

***Coaching in no form takes the place of therapy or other specialized programs you may be in need of.