How to Become Significantly Better at Anything

How to Become Significantly Better at Anything

Do you have dreams of higher aspirations?

Do you ever think about all that you want and wish to have?

Here is the solution:

Be – Do – Have

So what does this truly mean?

If you want to become significantly better, you must first BE present. You are waisting your time if you are thinking. Because truly, thinking is not real, it is not now. And now, this present moment, is all you have.

Thinking puts you in a dream state, which is why you’re having such difficulties reaching that level of success you desire.

The important thing to do is set your intention and work on that intention every moment.


This world is determined to distract you, keep you away from your true blessings. You ever wonder why you aren’t in the place you wanted to be at this stage of your life? It’s because you’ve been spending too much time wondering, too much time “dreaming”.

When I say dreaming people of the earth, I mean you are no longer present and can no longer DO anything. You are in a dead space. So don’t waste time in that field. Plant yourself in truth and the current moment. This is where your salvation is!

When you’re operating from a BE – DO – HAVE state of being, you will always get what you want. By being present you will realize you are the person you’ve always wanted to be. BE Here Now. This automatically puts you in a plane to state DOing, taking action each day. You will convince yourself that you are the person you’ve always wanted to be. This grants you the confidence you need to keep going, to keep that laser focus. Soon you will realize you are writing everyday and HAVE become a writer. You believe you can now write a book.

People of the earth, we are all here on this beautiful planet for a reason. We all have our part to do.

So ladies and gentlemen, get started today!

BE present and operate from this state, realize you are who you’ve always wanted to be. DO that thing / things you’ve always wanted to do. Write that book you’ve always wanted to write. And then people of the earth you will HAVE all that you have ever “dreamed” of and more!

You see, what you truly desire is what you’ve been set on this earth to do. So do just that!

Here are 5 Steps to Living in a BE – DO – HAVE State

Download a FREE copy of my book Navigating Life: Overcoming Lack of Direction here on my website or on Apple Books


5 Steps to Living in a BE – DO – HAVE State


Crafting Your Reality with Smart Goals